Friday, April 8, 2011

sports science -sains dalam olahraga-

why? kenapa olahraga?
karena gw termasuk tipikal orang yg jarang olahraga -emm oke gw males olahraga lebih tepatnya-.

oke karena gw kuliah di bidang sains, yahh berbagi sedikit tentang sains dlm olahraga yaa

*buka post berikutnya, hehe

Thursday, April 7, 2011

i love my research -DNA Barcoding-

DNA barcoding asa scientific idea, has been attracting international attention for its significance in advancing the taxonomy of life forms. The objective of DNA barcodin is to transform conventional taxanomy by digitizing the identify of a given species.
DNA barcoding promises several useful applications apart from species recognition. Ensuring food quality and controlling agricultural pests, disease vectors and invasive species are some of the areas in which barcoding technoloy may be deployed. Otherwise, barcoding also ensuring where the larva belongs to
*from several journals

lecturer, proud that you are my supervisor research

first, i just wanna introduce my lecturer from Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University. His name is Dr. Achmad Farajallah, M.Si. Yes, i know i will do my research with him from the first time i saw him. I love his personality, we cannot predict what his mind.
oke, really i cannot imagine if i did my research with other.

a lot of thx for you sir, and i promise i never
disappointing you.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

my little-big friend

Pandi, June 19 1989
he is my old friends until now, it sound so funny i think
i never imagine that i will with him for 15 years .ckck
yeah we were always together in same school since we were elementary school.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

water balance and disposal depend on transport epithelia

ability to move spesific solutes in particular direction.
transport epithelia are arranged into complex tubular network (salt glands in marine birds).
molecular structure of membranes determine kinds and directions of solutes that are transported (active versus passive transport).

general mechanisms

reduce the permeability of membranes to salt and water.
volume regulation : alter the permeabilitty of cell membranes to keep the volume inside cells constant despite changes in ECF composition.
conservation of salt and/or water by excretory organs.
active transport of salts (againts a gradient) across boundary membranes


osmoregulation is balancing uptake and loss of water and solutes
controlled movement of solutes between internal fluids and enviroment (water follows solutes by osmosis)
animals have complex organs (kidneys in vertebrates) to mantain fluid composition